Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Fr 27.09.2024 00:14:09       188       0       52.122   277,2 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Do 26.09.2024 00:04:45       188       0       52.070   277,0 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Mi 25.09.2024 00:15:10       188       0       52.010   276,6 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Di 24.09.2024 00:04:51       188       0       51.975   276,5 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Mo 23.09.2024 00:06:24       188       0       51.928   276,2 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
So 22.09.2024 00:03:50       188       0       51.867   275,9 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Sa 21.09.2024 00:16:11       188       0       51.810   275,6 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Fr 20.09.2024 00:14:13       188       0       51.749   275,3 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Do 19.09.2024 00:04:52       188       0       51.691   275,0 Wikis World               4.2.12     500
Mi 18.09.2024 00:14:13       188       0       51.631   274,6 Wikis World               4.2.12     500

Fr 27.09.2024 20:22

one for the crowd ^^

four-panel comic:
Britain was in peril. So, as the legends foretold, Arthur arose.
(Arthur, wearing a long robe with a purple-gold overcoat and a crown and holding a sword, shouts: Byw ydw i!)
He looked around for his Brittonic-speaking brethren, so he could save them. But in his homeland he found only people talking in this weird French-German creole language called “English”.
(A small man exclaims: Save us King Arthur! Arthur stabs him with his sword and shouts: Paid â siarad lol!)
These invaders were quickly dispatched to be replaced by the Welsh, Bretons, and a couple language revivalists in Cornwall.
(An orange-haired person in a suit starts: Wow! Careful what you wish for– then, seeing Arthur towering over them, correct themself: I mean bydd yn ofalus am yr hyn rwyt ti'n ei ddymuno!)
The moral? Careful invoking national myths – usually they’re taken from someone else.
(Arthur decapitates someone else and yells: Bwyta'r cleddyf, francwr! The decapitated person – or rather the disembodied head? – exclaims: Oi wot! innit!)

four-panel comic: Britain was in peril. So, as the legends foretold, Arthur arose. (Arthur, wearing a long robe with a purple-gold overcoat and a crown and holding a sword, shouts: Byw ydw i!) He looked around for his Brittonic-speaking brethren, so he could save them. But in his homeland he found only people talking in this weird French-German creole language called “English”. (A small man exclaims: Save us King Arthur! Arthur stabs him with his sword and shouts: Paid â siarad lol!) These invaders were quickly dispatched to be replaced by the Welsh, Bretons, and a couple language revivalists in Cornwall. (An orange-haired person in a suit starts: Wow! Careful what you wish for– then, seeing Arthur towering over them, correct themself: I mean bydd yn ofalus am yr hyn rwyt ti'n ei ddymuno!) The moral? Careful invoking national myths – usually they’re taken from someone else. (Arthur decapitates someone else and yells: Bwyta'r cleddyf, francwr! The decapitated person – or rather the disembodied head? – exclaims: Oi wot! innit!)

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