Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mo 01.07.2024 00:01:17    50.835     +40    2.153.375    42,4 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
So 30.06.2024 00:00:05    50.795     +42    2.150.142    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Sa 29.06.2024 00:03:01    50.753     +38    2.148.751    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Fr 28.06.2024 00:04:34    50.715     +56    2.144.639    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Do 27.06.2024 00:00:09    50.659     +33    2.144.966    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Mi 26.06.2024 00:00:17    50.626     +45    2.141.637    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Di 25.06.2024 00:00:03    50.581     +46    2.138.939    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Mo 24.06.2024 00:00:31    50.535     +41    2.136.134    42,3 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
So 23.06.2024 00:00:12    50.494     +48    2.133.037    42,2 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337
Sa 22.06.2024 00:00:03    50.446       0    2.129.261    42,2 Vivaldi Social            4.2.9    1.337

Mo 01.07.2024 20:36

_The Evening Post_, 2 July 1924:

The question of a rest room for and children in the city was brought before the City Fathers at the meeting of the City Council Finance Committee recently, by a deputation from the Women’s Branch of the Labour Party and of the Housewives’ Union. Mrs. Snow was the speaker. She urged that a rest room should be erected on the vacant site at the Royal Oak. There was no place at present where women who were obliged to come into town could take children to attend to their needs. Quite a modest building was asked for, which would still leave room for a reserve. The Mayor said that it was purely a matter of finance, but that the representations of the women should be taken into consideration.

Black-and-white photo: Manners Street. ca. 1920. Photographer, Zak Studios. Description: The ‘Market Hall’ site between Manners and Dixon Streets. Taken prior to the demolition of the ‘old’ fire station (being used here as Flockton’s Variety Store). Now the site of Te Aro Park (formerly known as Pigeon Park). The view is elevated three storeys or so; we see hard-sealed streets to right and left, the right-hand street with two parallel tram tracks. There are power and/or telephone cables just overhead going in the direction of the tram tracks. Hills are indistinctly visible in the background through haze. Citation: Wellington City Libraries, Reference No. 50010-404.

Black-and-white photo: Manners Street. ca. 1920. Photographer, Zak Studios. Description: The ‘Market Hall’ site between Manners and Dixon Streets. Taken prior to the demolition of the ‘old’ fire station (being used here as Flockton’s Variety Store). Now the site of Te Aro Park (formerly known as Pigeon Park). The view is elevated three storeys or so; we see hard-sealed streets to right and left, the right-hand street with two parallel tram tracks. There are power and/or telephone cables just overhead going in the direction of the tram tracks. Hills are indistinctly visible in the background through haze. Citation: Wellington City Libraries, Reference No. 50010-404.

Black-and-white photo: Courtney Place, Wellington. 1920s. Photographer, Frederick George Radcliffe. Description: Looking on a sunny day southeast along Manners Street (left) towards the intersection with Taranaki Street and Dixon Street (right) and Courtenay Place (distance) showing buildings on right including: Wellington City Council Public Rest Room for Women and Children (foreground); Kings Theatre; Pram House; Hope Gibbons Ltd.; Belcher’s Buildings importers of leather goods; Fuller’s Vaudeville; on left: Hotel Argonne (on the corner of Taranaki Street) with pharmacy on ground floor; other buildings; pedestrians on footpath (BrE pavement, AmE sidewalk; centre foreground); and crossing road; cars parked (partly obscured right); truck (left foreground). The slopes of the town belt are to the left in the far background. Citation: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 35-R1786.

Black-and-white photo: Courtney Place, Wellington. 1920s. Photographer, Frederick George Radcliffe. Description: Looking on a sunny day southeast along Manners Street (left) towards the intersection with Taranaki Street and Dixon Street (right) and Courtenay Place (distance) showing buildings on right including: Wellington City Council Public Rest Room for Women and Children (foreground); Kings Theatre; Pram House; Hope Gibbons Ltd.; Belcher’s Buildings importers of leather goods; Fuller’s Vaudeville; on left: Hotel Argonne (on the corner of Taranaki Street) with pharmacy on ground floor; other buildings; pedestrians on footpath (BrE pavement, AmE sidewalk; centre foreground); and crossing road; cars parked (partly obscured right); truck (left foreground). The slopes of the town belt are to the left in the far background. Citation: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 35-R1786.

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