Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Sa 28.09.2024 00:04:50        67       0       63.226   943,7 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Fr 27.09.2024 00:01:43        67       0       63.065   941,3 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Do 26.09.2024 00:00:13        67       0       62.911   939,0 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Mi 25.09.2024 00:03:25        67       0       62.767   936,8 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Di 24.09.2024 00:03:50        67       0       62.618   934,6 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Mo 23.09.2024 00:01:25        67       0       62.471   932,4 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
So 22.09.2024 00:01:51        67       0       62.441   932,0 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Sa 21.09.2024 00:10:50        67       0       62.382   931,1 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Fr 20.09.2024 00:05:12        67       0       62.231   928,8 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500
Do 19.09.2024 00:04:49        67       0       62.082   926,6 Heise Medien on Mastodon  4.2.12     500

Fr 27.09.2024 23:47

"AI itself is a giant bonfire of human creativity. Amazing to make, use, and watch. Just remember that we humans are the ones setting the fire, pouring in the fuel, and heating our world with it."
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