Zeitpunkt Nutzer Delta Tröts TNR Titel Version maxTL Sa 25.01.2025 10:05:14 7 0 251 35,9 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Fr 24.01.2025 00:16:09 7 0 251 35,9 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Do 23.01.2025 00:26:10 7 0 251 35,9 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Mi 22.01.2025 00:16:15 7 0 251 35,9 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Di 21.01.2025 00:16:13 7 0 251 35,9 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Mo 20.01.2025 00:16:13 7 0 250 35,7 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 So 19.01.2025 00:16:15 7 0 250 35,7 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Sa 18.01.2025 00:16:16 7 0 249 35,6 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Fr 17.01.2025 00:15:13 7 0 249 35,6 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500 Do 16.01.2025 00:16:14 7 0 249 35,6 freifunk.net 4.2.10 500
B.A.T.M.A.N. Advanced (@batadv) · 11/2024 · Tröts: 3 · Folger: 9
Sa 18.01.2025 10:42
Last year, @T_X gave a nice batman-adv overview talk (in German) as part of the @nook in Lübeck. It focuses not only on the technical part, but also on the history and the interaction with the #freifunk community. The recordings of the this talk were just published and can be found under https://chaotikum.org/media/2024-11-08-die-sendung-mit-der-fledermaus/
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