Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Di 30.07.2024 00:00:09    37.321      +3    3.606.426    96,6 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Mo 29.07.2024 00:00:01    37.318      +2    3.604.306    96,6 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
So 28.07.2024 00:00:06    37.316       0    3.602.038    96,5 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Sa 27.07.2024 00:00:12    37.316      +2    3.599.591    96,5 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Fr 26.07.2024 00:01:07    37.314     +12    3.596.686    96,4 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Do 25.07.2024 00:01:05    37.302      +5    3.594.257    96,4 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Mi 24.07.2024 00:01:06    37.297      +8    3.591.703    96,3 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Di 23.07.2024 00:00:36    37.289      +4    3.589.133    96,3 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
Mo 22.07.2024 00:01:10    37.285      +9    3.586.572    96,2 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500
So 21.07.2024 00:01:07    37.276       0    3.584.128    96,2 Mastodon.ART              4.2.10     500

Di 30.07.2024 02:12

i have not drawn in a bit, so i wanted to doodle something freeform and not worry about how polished it is.

here is "diana hellebore's existential dating crisis". a little comic about my beloved demisexual vampire who has not fallen in love in two centuries

a comic about a vampire talking to themself about going on a date for the first time in years.

a comic about a vampire talking to themself about going on a date for the first time in years. "I have a date for the first time in years... How does this even work? Pick up my date, go out to dinner... Then what?"

"What should I say? What should I wear? How do I ACT? It's been years... no, centuries since I felt this way about someone. What if we're ruining our friendship? How do other people do this so...casually...? ...The least I could do is look through my clothes for outfit ideas."

(trying on an outfit with a blazer and pants)

(trying on an outfit with a blazer and pants) "Average work outfit... hm, no." (trying on a fancy gown) "Too formal. Overkill." (trying on an unbuttoned blouse with a short skirt) "Trying too hard to look 'sexy'." "I have no idea what is expected of me. I have walked this earth for two centuries, survived bloody hardships, and yet... Nothing prepared me to fall in love."

Diana, wearing a nice blouse and seeming a little satisfied.

Diana, wearing a nice blouse and seeming a little satisfied. "Oh. Hmm. Well, at least I like how this blouse looks."

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