Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Sa 29.06.2024 00:00:41     9.859       0      530.380    53,8 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Fr 28.06.2024 00:01:13     9.859       0      529.566    53,7 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Do 27.06.2024 00:01:14     9.859      +1      528.803    53,6 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Mi 26.06.2024 00:00:05     9.858      -1      528.265    53,6 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Di 25.06.2024 00:00:06     9.859      +1      527.431    53,5 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Mo 24.06.2024 00:00:11     9.858      +3      526.485    53,4 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
So 23.06.2024 00:00:07     9.855      +1      525.651    53,3 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Sa 22.06.2024 00:00:09     9.854      -1      525.109    53,3 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Fr 21.06.2024 00:00:09     9.855      +4      524.016    53,2 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000
Do 20.06.2024 00:00:17     9.851       0      523.315    53,1 Climate Justice Social    4.2.9... 5.000

Sa 29.06.2024 18:32

The public is saying they don't like the choices. That makes it not a referendum BETWEEN candidates, but about whether to show up. This election us a war of apathy.

Not everyone is going to vote Trump. Not even a majority, says the polls, but the MAGA crowd has factored in the things they don't like about him. They'll show up.

So it's the Dems' election to lose. How apathetic will they be? How many will stay home or vote third party. Each such protest will help Trump.

In this regard, Gaza has been a godsend to them because many are angry at Biden's reticence to say the onvious: more bombing of innocents won't make Israel safer. Just the people angry at that creates enough risk of "protest" votes (or nonvotes) that Biden may already lose.

But there are people angry about Climate. Biden pojnts to his accomplishments, which are nontrivial. But physics doesn't grade 'on the curve,' and it's not enough. So Biden's losing votes to Jill Stein, and every one of those votes helps Trump by lowering the bar for Trump.

And now Buden has added credibility to Biden's "sleepy Joe" taunt. Biden can show he also has good days, but the worry will be there. And people know that 4 years is a long time for anyone in their 80s, much less as President. So ut could get worse Yet another reason some will stay home. More hope gor Trump.

Biden needs to toss ego to the wind and see that any vital candidate, but certainly Kamala, will change the entire picture. The public is pleading "give us better AND YOUNGER candidates". He has the power, single-handedly, to do that, by stepping aside and letting her shine.

This would transform the public dialog from one of bemoaning bad choices to one of a bad choice vs one who is PLAINLY qualified. Yes, there will be some fussing about policy, but that's the dialogue that the Democrats want to have and are really not going to have if they continue with Biden.

Suddenly the people who want to stay home to protest Biden on Gaza have a reason to come back. It will completely take off the table on the issue of age, so those people will have a reason to come back.

There will be no question that she will be a supporter of women's rights and capable of articulating that issue. That issue is incredibly strong and one that could win the election. Biden did a terrible job in the debate articulating the issue, in part because his personal values or somewhat in conflict with what needs to be said, so he cannot as easily say the strong things that need to be said.

Will it bring back to climate people? Maybe. Kamala seems generally more progressive than Biden, so and may create some comfort. But, for a long time, the Democrats have relied on the fact that some number of progressives are not going to abandon the Democrats just because they pick someone who's too centrist. The alternatives are to terrible. And that works in reverse, too. A lot of centrists, maybe not all, but probably enough are not going to abandon the Democrats for Trump just because Kamala is a bit more progressive.

Not even to mention the fact that there is an enormous amount of public unease about climate, and that will act as glue as well.

This is precisely the time for a more progressive candidate, younger, more vital, more connected to the issues that young people, a key demographic, and frankly, a rightly worried set of people who will have to live with the consequences of some of these decisions, can get behind.

The issue is not young versus old. I'm not super young myself, so I'm really sensitive to the issue of ageism. But the question isn't how old someone is, it's a set of much more subtle things that we need to confront openly. Some people age differently than others, and competence does matter. Especially in a president. Fragility matters for a president in ways that it doesn't for regular jobs.

But the mindset matters, too. Who are we governing for. Who are we representing? Who will have to live with the consequences? Some of these issues are split by generation and so age comes into play in subtle ways we can't avoid talking about.

We need somebody younger for a lot of reasons. But mostly it's just a fact that that's what the voters are asking for. To stubbornly ignore that, imposing a test of wills, will end by the people who disagree with Biden's decision to stay in the race staying home to prove him wrong, allowing an autocracy. They will win that argument, even at the expense of our nation. Biden may be smart enough or experienced enough to see that that's a bad choice, but that will be cold comfort.

And anyway he should be smart enough and experienced enough to know that they'll really do it and so it's really his choice not theirs that is sinking us.

He needs to do the right thing and step down. That will bring hope. And people will laud him for it. It will not be him giving up. It will be him being strategic and the best way he has available.

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