Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mi 31.07.2024 00:00:31     9.879      +2      556.975    56,4 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Di 30.07.2024 00:00:30     9.877      +1      555.902    56,3 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Mo 29.07.2024 00:01:12     9.876       0      555.053    56,2 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
So 28.07.2024 00:00:27     9.876      +1      554.241    56,1 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Sa 27.07.2024 00:01:12     9.875      +1      553.191    56,0 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Fr 26.07.2024 00:01:08     9.874      +2      552.199    55,9 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Do 25.07.2024 00:00:00     9.872       0      550.974    55,8 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Mi 24.07.2024 00:01:07     9.872      +1      550.210    55,7 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Di 23.07.2024 00:01:01     9.871       0      549.028    55,6 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Mo 22.07.2024 00:00:33     9.871       0      548.116    55,5 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000

Mi 31.07.2024 15:22

Today I thought I'd check out some current events(always a mistake never do this) so I watched those ads I'd heard about. Google Gemini(285k playbacks on youtube) and MS Copilot(5.5k playbacks on youtube). Apparently a billion people saw them in a sporting event and these videos are still live on their original channels, I didn't even need to hunt down a repost. Go figure.

They made me think about just how detached rich people are now. They live in their little fantasy worlds and says things like let them eat cake and then hundreds of executives managing thousands of public relations professionals have to make a little video about how the cake is not a lie. That's not going to end well but it's still remarkable how badly it ended. Letting people eat cakes that are lies is pretty tone deaf as a concept but conceivably this could still be toned down. I'd guess you'd need thousands of executives managing millions of public relations professionals over decades but I can picture a fantasy world where that happened and the resulting video delivered by being one percent less tone deaf.

In reality they didn't even bother trying. Why try when you own everything and everyone. They don't need to create the appearance of humanity. They just don't.

They can just broadcast to a billion people. For fun I suppose. It's not like they have a product to sell. There's no money to be made here. These ads are simply statements. What's that thing that some mass shooters leave behind called, eh, manifestos? Yeah, manifestos. These videos are that.

Like those mass shooter manifestos they say nothing about the world but they say a whole lot about the people that ordered them into existence.

Those poor people.

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