Zeitpunkt              Nutzer    Delta   Tröts        TNR     Titel                     Version  maxTL
Mo 29.07.2024 00:01:12     9.876       0      555.053    56,2 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
So 28.07.2024 00:00:27     9.876      +1      554.241    56,1 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Sa 27.07.2024 00:01:12     9.875      +1      553.191    56,0 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Fr 26.07.2024 00:01:08     9.874      +2      552.199    55,9 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Do 25.07.2024 00:00:00     9.872       0      550.974    55,8 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Mi 24.07.2024 00:01:07     9.872      +1      550.210    55,7 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Di 23.07.2024 00:01:01     9.871       0      549.028    55,6 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Mo 22.07.2024 00:00:33     9.871       0      548.116    55,5 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
So 21.07.2024 00:00:00     9.871      +1      546.944    55,4 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000
Sa 20.07.2024 00:01:12     9.870       0      546.136    55,3 Climate Justice Social    4.2.1... 5.000

Mo 29.07.2024 15:30

Climate hypocrites, planet wreckers – if you live in the US, Canada, Norway, UK, or Australia, it's your homeland being labeled as such in the analysis below.

“Drill, baby, drill!” Donald Trump’s ominous avowal to pump up the oil and gas production of the US has horrified many people around the world about the intentions of the Republican candidate.

This comes at a time of climate emergency, when the UN secretary general has declared “code red” for humanity and the International Energy Agency has warned that new oil and gas fields are incompatible with the Paris agreement to limit global heating to 1.5C above preindustrial levels.

To deliberately increase emissions in such circumstances is so obviously contrary to the public good that it suggests a capture of politics by a powerful minority that represents fossil-fuel interests – exactly the behaviour expected in a classic petrostate.

It does not seem to matter too much which party is in power.

When Democratic president Barack Obama was in the White House, he too proudly proclaimed “drill, baby, drill!” and boasted the US was pumping more oil than at any time in eight years. The Republican Trump picked up the pace. Then the Democrat Joe Biden opened the spigot even wider.

Today, the US is producing more crude oil than at any point in its history, having doubled production from a decade ago.

Instead of pointing the finger of blame at classic petrostates, it is necessary for more diversified economies to help them make an orderly transition from fossil fuels, and to set an example themselves by cutting consumption and sharing green technology.

That should be where the US, Canada, Norway, UK, and Australia are best placed to step up and help. They have the financial clout, the experience, and the economic diversity to be frontrunners in the transition. Yet they are doing the opposite: criticising others and claiming to be environmentally friendly, even while they lift production targets for oil and gas.

Oil Change International labelled these five countries “climate hypocrites” and “planet wreckers” in a scathing report that showed they are responsible for the majority (51%) of planned new oil and gas extraction to 2050.

The real danger now is that instead of setting an example for the classic petrostates, these five countries are starting to emulate many of their worst characteristics – stamping down on climate dissent, moving towards extreme politics, and pursuing ever more extractivist policies.


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