Zeitpunkt Nutzer Delta Tröts TNR Titel Version maxTL Sa 25.01.2025 00:02:26 75 0 4.767 63,6 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 Fr 24.01.2025 00:02:29 75 0 4.765 63,5 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 Do 23.01.2025 00:04:28 75 0 4.758 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 Mi 22.01.2025 00:02:34 75 0 4.756 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 Di 21.01.2025 00:02:45 75 0 4.756 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 Mo 20.01.2025 00:02:22 75 0 4.755 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.3 500 So 19.01.2025 00:02:24 75 0 4.753 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.2 500 Sa 18.01.2025 00:02:27 75 0 4.753 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.2 500 Fr 17.01.2025 00:01:23 75 0 4.753 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.2 500 Do 16.01.2025 00:02:38 75 0 4.752 63,4 aircrew.rocks 4.3.2 500
Morre (@morre) · 12/2021 · Tröts: 239 · Folger: 14
Fr 24.01.2025 17:08
First flight on the left seat today!
Got some airwork done and I was able to admire the absolutely amazing view over Lake Constance and the alps.
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